Selah Started Pre-K 4!

Megan |

Our little 4.5 year old began Pre-K 4!! She is going 3 back-to-back full days. Selah will take a lunch and nap at school. We really feel like the full days will prepare her for kindergarten next year.  Selah seemed to love the first day and had no trouble being away for so long! Yay…

Selah is Learning to Swim!

Megan |

Selah took swimming lessons at Morgan and Mayberry’s house with Time to Swim. Selah learned how to float, tread water, kick, hold her breath, jump in, climb out and more! She’s no longer scared of the water. Mommy still needs to be with her but she’s got some good beginning swim skills to build upon….

Selah is Learning to Write

Megan |

Selah started getting interested in writing! She now writes her name, mom, dad, mamas, papaw, yes, no and all kinds of letters! We are pretty proud of her! Our favorite was when she put signs up on her play kitchen and store saying “yes” for open and “no” for closed. So smart Selah Bug! Here’s…

Selah Finished Preschool 3!

Megan |

Selah learned so much in Mrs Hills 3’s class! She started school shy and scared to participate. But after some time she got comfortable, she made friends and had so much fun. Enjoy this Selah interview: What do you love? – “chocolate”, “mommy and daddy”, “mamaw and papaw” Where do you like to go? –…

Selah’s First Dentist Experiences

Megan |

Selah got her teeth cleaned and we found out she had the beginning to cavities on her canines! So unfortunately, we had to go get those taken care of. Selah did excellent with both dentist trips for the cleaning and fillings. She was so brave and both times walked away smiling!

Selah Started Gymnastics!

Megan |

Selah is a jumper! She jumps off of and on everything! She loves hanging, swinging from things and doing somersaults. Then she found this Kid-tube group on her iPad called the Ninja kids who are kids that battle each other in gymnastics and she was hooked! She wanted to do cartwheels and started jumping around…

Selah Started Preschool!

Megan |

On August 19th, 2020 Selah started preschool. The morning of her first day she was so excited and kept asking to leave even though it wasn’t time yet.  We got there and she just walked inside with a teacher and didn’t look back! Mommy cried! It was very weird leaving her there. We both wanted…