She is pulling up!

Megan |

This girl doesn’t stop!!! Once she masters one thing, she’s on to the next! It is so fun to watch her learn new things! Now she is pulling up on things onto her feet! Go girl!

Selah is Crawling!

Megan |

On September 27th at 6 months and 20 days old our little determined girl crawled for the first time! She had been gearing up and trying to figure it out for a few weeks and she finally got it! We know we are in trouble now, she’s mobile!!!!!! Here are some videos!

Selah’s First Road Trip to Illinois

Megan |

Josh and I were very nervous about the long 7.5 hour drive to IL with Selah, who had never been in a carseat longer than 1 hour (twice). On top of that she didn’t seem to like the carseat or car! She always cried bloody murder! We thought this road trip would be filled with…

Selah’s First Hysterical Laughing Fit

Megan |

I never knew tape was so funny! As I was taping a package up Selah had her very first hysterical laughing fit! Every time I pulled more tape she laughed more! Man I wish I had more tape! LOL! Here it is!

Selah Meets Aunt Lorel and Family

Megan |

Selah had a blast getting to know her Aunt Lorel, Uncle Danny, and cousins Logan, Taylor and Dana! The kids really loved playing with Selah. They kept asking to hold her and were always near Selah! The kids would be doing their own thing and when I would put Selah on her play mat they…